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Create diagrams with AI

Use our groundbreaking AI tools to make creating diagrams as easy as possible within Confluence.

Create Diagrams Using AI from the ‘Capable AI’ Button

If you want to streamline the diagram creation process, Capable Diagrams for Confluence includes an AI-powered feature that assists with generating diagrams. By clicking the ‘Capable AI’ button within the editor, you can create diagrams without needing to manually write the syntax.

Simply provide a brief description of the diagram you want, and the AI will generate the corresponding Mermaid diagram for you. This can significantly speed up the process, especially for complex diagrams that would take more time to write out manually.


Write Your Diagram with Automatic AI Suggestions (Press Tab to Accept)

As you start typing in the Mermaid editor, the AI will offer smart suggestions based on your input. For example, if you begin creating a flowchart, the AI may suggest connecting nodes or adding elements to your diagram automatically.

You can press the Tab key to accept these suggestions, making it faster to build out your diagram. This feature is particularly useful when you're unsure about the exact syntax or structure, as the AI will guide you through the process.


Automatically Name and Describe Diagrams with AI

In addition to generating the diagram syntax, Capable AI can also automatically name and describe your diagrams. After you’ve created your diagram, the AI can suggest appropriate names and add brief descriptions that explain the purpose or content of the diagram. This is especially helpful for maintaining consistency across documentation or making it easier for team members to understand the context of the diagram when they view the Confluence page.

By combining manual editing with AI-powered features, Capable Diagrams for Confluence allows you to quickly create, refine, and optimize your diagrams for any use case. Whether you prefer full control with manual syntax or want the AI to do the heavy lifting, you have the flexibility to choose the method that works best for you.

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